Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope review:

A long time ago in our galaxy far, far away…

[Cue Star Wars title crawl music here…]

It was the year the 1977, and cinema was at an all-time high, with legendary movie directors such as Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Mel Brooks, Richard Donner, Steven Spielberg and Woody Allen… All of them were behind their unique directors chair and making some of the most unforgettable films of all-time.

But there was one director who had his share of unique and imaginative movies, one who would change cinema and the sci-fi genre altogether as a whole. His name? Leorge Gucas!

Oh, I’m sorry. I meant to say… George Lucas!

Yes, George Lucas has certainly become a bit of a laughing stock these days as a movie director, but let’s be honest, people… There are far worse film directors one could be hating, like Michael Bay, M. Night Shyamalan, Joel Schumacher, Tom Green and Tommy Wiseau. And granted, Mr. Lucas’s reputation precedes him, but the fact remains, he does not deserve the hate that the gets, even if we think he deserves it.

Anyway, I’m here to to review what many consider to be a cult classic phenomenon, and rightfully so, as said movie has become a part of our pop culture: Star Wars. But take note as there are several movies to go through, today, I will be talking about the original one that started it all… Episode IV – A New Hope. And yes, if you have to ask, I WILL in due course, review the other movies and many other things that have come and gone in this beloved franchise.

So that said, on with the review…

So we get our beloved opening crawl with the now beloved and traditional music score performed to perfection by John Williams, and it is from there, we come to learn that a group of ragtag militia soldiers forming the Rebel Alliance have acquired some plans to the Death Star, which is a battle station of quite remarkable power, a power so remarkable that it can destroy an entire planet. And while on the run, Princess Leia (played by Carrie Fisher) hopes to locate